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Clinical and Experimental Obstetrics & Gynecology
Termination of Pregnancy Following Periconception Isotretinoin Exposur…
Young-Rae Lee , Dong-Won Hwang , Kyoung-Chul Chun,
페이지 정보
Background: Despite South Korea’s Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) risk management program (RMP) since June 2019,
isotretinoin prescriptions have surged 2.5 times from 0.39 million in 2017 to 0.97 million in 2021. This study assesses pregnancy
termination risk perception and termination following periconception isotretinoin exposure in South Korea. Methods: A dataset of 1785
pregnancies from January 2001 to September 2022 was collected by Korean Mother Safe Counselling Center, which is a call center for
teratogenicity information. A semi-structured questionnaire was sent to 1107 women to evaluate the rate of pregnancy termination, trends
of their risk of perceptive malformation and termination of pregnancy following isotretinoin exposure in periconception before and after
getting the counselling on teratogenic risk from our center. Results: There were 317 respondents from the total 1107 women (28.6%). The
termination rate was 29.0% (92 out of 317). The perception of major malformation risk decreased from 77.1% ± 24.5% before getting
teratogenicity information to 60.4% ± 31.0% after getting teratogenicity information (p < 0.001). The inclination towards pregnancy
termination decreased from 5.6 ± 3.1 before getting teratogenicity information to 4.6 ± 3.5 after getting teratogenicity information (p <
0.001). Among the 214 infants examined, 2 (0.9%) were identified to have major malformations, comprising cases of hydrocephalus (1)
and biliary obstruction (1). Conclusions: Our study suggest that the perceptive risk of major malformations and termination of pregnancy
is still high after getting the teratogenicity information following periconception exposure of isotretinoin. As a result, approximately 30%
of pregnancies are terminated. We suggest that further study is needed.
Keywords: isotretinoin; teratogens; pregnancy; termination of pregnancy; maternal exposure
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2회 다운로드 | DATE : 2024-06-27 17:41:24